(TV aerial)
Sky Q
Virgin Media
That's TV
Freeview 56
Local services on 7 or 8
(20 locations)
Sky 171
Freesat 164
Virgin 150
Local services on Virgin 159
(4 locations)
Freely 42
Local services on Freely 8
(20 locations)
That’s TV 2
Freeview 65
Freeview 86
(Greater Manchester)
Sky 181
Freesat 165
Virgin 151
Freely 45
Freely 148
(Greater Manchester)
That’s TV 3
Freeview 71
Freeview 87
(Greater Manchester)
Sky 183
Virgin 152
Freely 46
Freely 149
(Greater Manchester)
That’s Melody
Freeview 75
(UK, part-time)
Freeview 77
(Greater Manchester)
Sky 361
Freely 401
(UK, Part-time)
Freely 403
(Greater Manchester)
That’s Dance
Freeview 76
(UK, part-time)
Freeview 79
(Greater Manchester)
Sky 360 (UK)
Freely 402
(UK, Part-time)
Freely 404
(Greater Manchester)
That’s Oldies
Freeview 78
(Greater Manchester)
Sky 359
Freely 405
(Greater Manchester)
  That's TV That’s TV 2 That’s TV 3 That’s Melody That’s Dance That’s Oldies
(TV aerial)
Freeview 56

Local services on 7 or 8
(20 locations)
Freeview 65

Freeview 86
(Greater Manchester)
Freeview 71

Freeview 87
(Greater Manchester)
Freeview 75
(UK, part-time)

Freeview 77
(Greater Manchester)
Freeview 76
(UK, part-time)

Freeview 79
(Greater Manchester)
Freeview 78
(Greater Manchester)
Sky Q Sky 171
Sky 181
Sky 183
Sky 361
Sky 360
Sky 359
Freesat Freesat 164
Freesat 165
- - - -
Virgin Media Virgin 150

Local services on Virgin 159
(4 locations)
Virgin 151
Virgin 152
- - -
Freely Freely 42

Local services on Freely 8
(20 locations)
Freely 45

Freely 148
(Greater Manchester)
Freely 46

Freely 149
(Greater Manchester)
Freely 401
(UK, Part-time)

Freely 403
(Greater Manchester)
Freely 402
(UK, Part-time)

Freely 404
(Greater Manchester)
Freely 405
(Greater Manchester)
ⓘ Some Freeview or Freely viewers may need to retune. For help call the Freeview Advice Line on 03456 505050 or visit: www.freeview.co.uk/help/retune